Oh no! Is your site currently down? We know this is detrimental to your business. The steps below will help guide you through the process to check if there is a hosting outage, and how to contact GLIDE support.
Check your host first - If your website is down, please contact your host first. If your site is hosted by WPEngine, call or whole logged into your my.wpengine.com account you can start a chat through https://my.wpengine.com/support#
If GLIDE is your host, please email [email protected] or submit your site down issue through the support portal http://support.glidedesign.com/support/tickets/new After your issue is submitted, visit glidedesign.com and open the chat bot in the bottom right corner of the page and include your ticket number in the chat message. If your site is down during business hours, please call 512-215-5236.
WPEngine Phone numbers:
US: (512) 729-5955
UK: +44 808 501 5896
AU: +61 1800 531 749
Sales: +1 877-973-6446
Here are a few links for other hosts: